Thought so. You’re not alone. Americans feel disenchanted. Disenfranchised. Disappointed.


Our government has become so fractured, that our country is more divided than ever. Many Americans have thrown in the towel with apathy. Or protest angrily – with no real impact on the situation. Most think the system is too broken to fix. However, If we do nothing, our system will continue to deteriorate. The fact is, many Americans don’t remember how our government was designed to work. The question is why?

Over the past 20 years, data shows that the will of the general public has nearly no impact on whether federal legislation is passed or blocked. However, corporate interests impact the passage of legislation over 60% of the time when they favor it, and can block it nearly 100% of the time if they oppose. And to make matters worse, 90% of the mainstream media outlets are owned by six major corporations which are among the biggest political contributors impacting our laws. Can we trust their portrayal of political news as unbiased? And can we blame the average, over-worked American for being disconnected from politics-as-usual…

Have you ever heard someone say that when things get bad enough, “they” will fix it? Well, “We” … are the “They” – and we cannot sit on the sidelines anymore. We have to do something.  And failure is not an option. We strongly believe the future of our country is at stake.

Our organization, We Are They, is on a mission to unite Americans by promoting positive and peaceful participation in our system of government while ensuring our elected officials are accountable to the people. We are pro-American – and non-partisan.


Our response is a media and technology platform designed to reach out to the American public and inspire them in a user-friendly, engaging way so they can express their opinion and simultaneously learn about what our government is doing and how it actually works. We believe knowledge is power. So our users will get brief, concise downloads about proposed legislation in a cool and fun format followed by polls where they can approve or deny the proposed bill. Their comments and votes will be aggregated and posted for elected officials so they know how their constituents feel before they vote on legislation.

Moreover, We Are They will tabulate this data on our platform to create scoring systems that rate our elected officials’ activities against the stated will of our participants. Our We Are They scoring system will help Americans make more informed voting decisions when politicians run for office and will put better candidates in office and make America a better place. You can look at it as a Yelp for the political process, with summaries, ratings and comments. We look at it as powering a Meritocracy with metrics.

To promote our cause and harness the viral, shareable power of social media, we created a lifestyle brand that will activate our movement on the ground and through multiple channels. The tone of our brand is engaged, youthful and inspiring and will be deployed with emotionally charged videos designed to share and motivate. Proceeds of the merchandise will help fund the movement. People who wear the We Are They brand will represent positivity, action, unity and patriotism, something that all Americans thirst for amidst the negative political environment we currently live in.