Have our voices heard. Rate our Politicians. Make our participation count.
Our Mission is to unite Americans by promoting positive, peaceful participation to foster a more transparent system held accountable by the will of the people.
Our Strategy is to use engaging multimedia and technology that encourages more participation in our democratic process and measures the performance of our elected officials compared to the will of the participants.
Our Brand is our call to action. To promote our cause and harness the viral, shareable power of social media, we created a lifestyle brand that will activate our movement on the ground and through numerous channels. The tone of our brand is engaged, youthful and inspiring and will be deployed with emotionally charged videos designed to share and motivate. In addition to donations, the proceeds of the merchandise will help to fund the movement. People who wear the We Are They brand will represent positivity, action, unity and patriotism, something that all Americans thirst for amidst the negative political environment we currently live in.
Our Aim is to inspire the people and reinvigorate the foundation of our United States. All voices need to be heard. We need to unite our voices no matter what our political opinions are. In order to fight apathy and encourage participation, we must inform the people on how our government is working.
Our Platform will then empower the American people to weigh in on action through legislation and at the same time measure the performance of our representation. We must make sure our elected officials are truly representing the will of us, the American people. Simply put, we want Government Made Simple. We Are They is the peaceful, non-partisan, non-profit platform for all voices.
Our Integrity – We Are They is your trusted source for non-partisan, unbiased government information. As a nonprofit platform, we are committed to providing unbiased and non-partisan information which allows Americans to weigh in and connect directly with their elected officials whose jobs are to represent the will of their constituents.
When distilling down legislation we will conduct a rigorous process utilizing a cross functional team of legal scholars, political science scholars, and communicators. Our main goal with this information is to inform Americans the facts about any bill making it easier for them to evaluate long and sometimes confusing bills written in legalese. This will more easily allow people to weigh in, rate, and connect directly with their elected officials on how they feel about said legislation. We will also be providing a direct link to the original legislation text so people are free to read it themselves if they prefer.
The rating system that we provide will be calculated using actual data that we collect with no manipulation or spin. We have created algorithms using mathematical equations comparing the data collected from We Are They users compared to the official voting record of their elected officials on those items. Americans and politicians will likely use our rating system as an accurate way to understand if elected officials are representing the will of the majority of people.

We will measure our success by:
Our Users: The number of Americans we reach with our message
User Inputs: The number of Americans we educate and who participate in legislative activism on our platform
Product purchases: Merchandise sales (100% of proceeds go to the We Are They platform development and reaching Americans).
Platform stature: Making our platform the political rating standard for politicians.
Positive Impact on America
- More politicians will work for “We the People”
- More laws will be designed to benefit the public first and foremost, not special interests
- Measured accountability of our Goverment
- More patriotism and unity in America
Latest news from our blog
Check out what’s new with We Are They. Our blog aims to inspire, inform and empower Americans to participate in our Democratic Republic in a positive and peaceful way. We Are They is not issue based. We aim to spread nonpartisan content which enables people to be better citizens and provide positive change for our country.